Aiemmin mm. YouTubesta tuttu radiopodcast White Noise Radio löytyy nykyään ainakin D88 Recordsin Telegram-kanavalta. Uudessa neljä ja puoli tuntia (!) kestävässä lähetyksessä "Smackin Them Lips 2 feat Sam, Keksi, Bob The Beast, DOC and Skip" amerikkalaiset ja suomalainen asiantuntija Keksi ovat White Boy Summer festin jälkitunnelmissa, mutta paljon muustakin keskustellaan. Englanniksi.
This episode, Sam, Keksi, Bob The Beast, DOC and Skip smack their lips about the recent White Boy Summerfest 2024 in Finland, booze, boats, recording vocals, the various genres of music, Whites around the world and all kinds of other things. We played songs from each of the bands that played at White Boy Summerfest 24 and other awesome songs too.
Ohjelmassa soitetut kappaleet liittyvät enimmäkseen WBS-tapahtuman bändeihin:
Preserve White Aryans - It's Not to Late
Fatherland's Vengeance (Baltic 1941)
Fatherland - Defiance
Black Sun Disciple - Empire of the Black Sun
Black Sun Disciple - Mustan Auringon Voima
Dawn Of Purity - Chalice of Hatred
Dawn Of Purity - Burning of the Choosen
Vastarinta - Rotusota
Vastarinta - National Socialist (Totenkopf Cover)
Resist - I Know What I Want (Live Skrewdriver Cover)
Resist - Victory or Valhalla (Live Fortress Cover)
Revalers - Street Politicians
Revalers - Guard your Nation
Preserve White Aryans - Communist crimes
Preserve White Aryans - Stand
Pugilato - Sacrificio y Disciplina
Heiliger Krieg - Invictus,
Sniper - Lynkkareiden Laulu
Sniper - On the road to Victory
Squadron - now you're free
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